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Rustic Boho


I don't know....but I do know that I'm in love with all things R U S T I C + B O H O.

That usually involves creating something from absolutely nothing....something I've kinda been doing all my life. 

You see....growing up poor you learn to improvise.  Decor really doesn't have to be expensive.  But it has to be something you love.  

Vintage decor runs in my veins....and I love nothing more than creating a vignette that is completely unique to the situation. 

Recently I got started on my laundry room. 

We moved last year into a small home in the country.  While we did some renovation, the laundry room got moved to a former addition to the home that really wasn't done that well and so it wasn't really worthy of using for real living space.  

Enter me....ah haaaa!!! I'll make this vaulted ceiling addition with windows all around into my laundry room that makes me actually not hate going to do laundry!!

It's perfect....looks out to the backyard and did I mention IT'S GOT A FREAKING VAULTED CEILING??!!   Tucked back on the back of the doesn't create too much noise...ANDDDDD I can add ALLLL THE PLANTS I want!!

Big boo boo...I didn't take a before pic but honestly it's kinda the same except for my current decor.  

I did a quick 2 hour makeover a few weeks ago....haven't painted yet but damnnnnn it feels good. 

One of the things that I'm absolutely obsessed with is this vintage cabinet. Vintage Decor

 I added a vintage landscape print and the animal head is a new item. 

Sharing more details with you soon... For's some photos about the progress. 

Vintage boho decor

I found the buddha a while back while our scouring for goods.  The lamp, the tray, the pottery and the vase are all second hand. 

Boho vintage runs in my veins. 

Boho decorLooking forward to really getting in there to do more...but ya know...projects:)!

Questions.....send me a message!



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