Updating your Decor with an Eclectic Mixture
Jul 08, 2016
Is your home and life stuck in a certain time zone....you've been too busy with life that it just made sense to keep the same decor for years?
It's so easy....the same drapes, the same wall color, the same lamps...etc. I'm guilty, you're guilty... We're big fans of Lucille Ball.....but I think this photo exhibits exactly what you might be feeling in a tired, non inspiring atmosphere.
photo courtesy of pinterest
I for one, love spending time in my own space to recharge. I want it to be restful, inspiring and a bit off the wall. I'm that girl that doesn't want what everyone else has...therefore I hunt for things that make me smile, things that ignite the creative energy within me.
One of the easiest ways to bring life back to a room or space is to add eclectic pieces. By that I mean, decor that is a bit of a surprise to what you have currently in the space.
If you are a matchy matchy person....this might not be for you. But if you thrive on creative spaces that energize you... listen up...we've got some inspiration coming at ya.
What I personally love about eclectic spaces is that it's whatever speaks to your soul. You can make it as random or as structured as you want. Yeah yeah...you can get all technical and say well interior designers would never do that...exactly ...sometimes you gotta break the rules. And if it feels right....then it's right! It's only about what you love, not what the books say is right or wrong.
Now...I'm not saying to throw to throw all caution to the wind, nobody wants to end up with a room that looks like time machine blew up inside of it, but take some risks. You know that piece that you really love but have no idea how to use it?...bring it home. If you love it, more than likely it's gonna flow with something you've got going on. Still confused? Hire someone to give you a consult...it's easy enough to get a little help just to pull things together...it doesn't have to be expensive. And yes...you can hire us. We love helping people to create a space that is comfortable and exciting for them. Here at Gypsy Jule...we are known for creating blends of home decor that are creative and eclectically put together. We know it's not for everyone...but if you get it...you GET IT!
Inside of Gypsy Jule - A Misfit Mercantile
One of my personal favorites in our store is the RODEO sign....we only had 2 and one of them kind of accidentally came home with me right away. I fell in love right away when I first saw it. I didn't fall in love because I'm a RODEO girl...far from it. I've never owned a horse in my life. (Although I did always say I was the cowgirl without a horse.) And yes...I do enjoy the western culture of the wild west, but I believe in progression of the mind and the spirit while retaining some of the beautiful traditions.
So why did I like the RODEO sign and WHY did I bring it home? Because I like to think that this ride called life is somewhat of a Rodeo. You're gonna get bucked off...you're gonna get scratched...and you're gonna swear that you're not gonna get back on again some days. But you have to buckle up and ride.
I haven't created a great spot for my RODEO sign yet...it's currently just hanging in the laundry room. I really want to put it in my kitchen that lacks good wall space. But everytime I see it...it's a visual reminder of keeping life in perspective, a reminder to lighten up, a reminder that everyday will not be easy.
I'm that girl that likes visual reminders...things that put a glimmer of hope back in my spirit on those days that pull everything out of you.
I can't wait to find the right spot for my RODEO sign....because "every day is a freakin' rodeo". Remember to enjoy the ride.
Creating the journey....gypsy jule